Marketing Leader Storyteller

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Welcome to my digital portfolio! This site is meant to showcase my work from my graduate studies at Queens University of Charlotte. Throughout the site, you will find information about me, reflections on specific Learning Outcomes and my academic work. The reflections and projects can be found on my  blog.

My coursework led me to an interest in how our identities are shaped by the visual images around us. As a result, my thesis examined the influence murals can make on a neighborhood and how our experiences shape our interpretation of the murals meaning.  



Hi, my name is Michelle and I am a marketing professional and a Master’s graduate from Queens University of Charlotte.

I’m originally from Cleveland, Ohio and now reside in Charlotte, North Carolina. I am passionate about helping people and nothing is more gratifying to me than making a difference in someone’s life.

This site gives you a glimpse inside my time at Queens and my studies. Click on the button below to learn more about me!



In this section you will find a complete listing of the coursework I completed as part of my Master’s degree. The cumulative coursework and assignments led me to an interest in how visuals influence our identity’s.